Eureka Labs Limited (Since 1989)
EUREKA LABS LIMITED was incorporated in year 1989 & belongs to GROUP EUREKA having diversified business interest in Education, Pharmaceuticals & Life-Care, Affordable Housing under PMAY, Lease Rentals to Mobile Telecom Operators & Finance.
The product range of Eureka Labs Limited includes medicines for the improvement of digestive system, to boost immunity, to enhance vigor & power ,to cure erectile dysfunction, to cure constipation , skin & blood purifiers,Nutraceuticals, Food Supplements, Sanitizers,Home Insecticides & many more products for the treatment of different ailments of mankind. Our medicines are FDA Approved and our production facilities are GMP Certified.
Eureka Labs Limited work for mutual benefits of customers,vendors,dealers and all stakeholders and is truly FRIENDS FOR MANKIND & believe in Group motto "नेक नीयत - मंजिल आसान "